Join us for our Pupbowl & watch THE BIG GAME on our HUGE SCREEN at The Blending Lab
SUNDAY 2/9 from 2PM-GAME END (7ish)
Join us for our 2nd PUPBOWL! AND YES… we will watch the game too!
We will be hosting 2 PupBowl tournaments with prizes for the winning dogs. If you think your pup has what it takes to be PUPrick Mahomes or FIDO Kelce RSVP your pup at the link below. WE WILL ONLY 24 SPOTS OPEN!!!
AND YES, will will have human food too available for pre-sale only for RSVPs ONLY!
SORRY GUYS! Getting delivery on Super Bowl will be CHALLENGING! We need to plan accordingly! Please RSVP your Attendance and/or pup participation and we’ll send a follow up to your email for food details.